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- Egy munkanapos kiszállítás Magyarország egész területén.
- Bejelentkezés / Regisztráció
Looks like this GPU shares the exact same design as Gainward – GeForce RTX™ 3070 Phoenix, however VRAM thicknesses are different according to the data sheet. It’s not clear that they are different for real or one of the document is wrong. Please note that I’ve already found some anomaly at the Gainward model.
VRAMs use 2.25mm and rest of the PCB is mostly 1mm thicknesses (except Pad 29).
For the VRAMs I suggest to use 2.5mm of GELID Extreme series as they are soft enough to compress to the required size. I wouldn’t be surprised if standard 2mm works well too.
For Pad 29 I’d either leave the factory pad or use 1.5mm of GELID Extreme.
VRAM front: | 80x40x2.5mm |
Pads on the side: | 80x40x1mm |
Source: | Branimir Grbešić |
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